WANTED: vintage HP vectra LS/12 laptop
(too old to reply)
2014-06-05 11:37:53 UTC

I'm looking for a vintage HP Vectra LS/12 laptop (model D1024A or D1044A), about 25 years old. It needs not to be working, but I'd want it to be in good physical conditions (i.e. no major cracks).

Picture for reference:
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Please email me if you've got one to offer.

Barone Barolo
2017-03-06 15:15:14 UTC
Post by x***@gmail.com
I'm looking for a vintage HP Vectra LS/12 laptop (model D1024A or D1044A), about 25 years old. It needs not to be working, but I'd want it to be in good physical conditions (i.e. no major cracks).
Please email me if you've got one to offer.
Barone Barolo
Are you still interested? Please let me know>
2018-02-15 15:02:33 UTC

You mentioned your interest in a HP Vectra LS/12.

While I’m fully aware you may have already got hold of the product, I was just curious as to how much you paid or intended to pay for the item?
2018-02-15 15:04:14 UTC
you mentioned on a blog, of your interest in a HP Vectra LS/12.

While I’m fully aware you may have already got hold of the product, I was just curious as to how much you paid or intended to pay for the item?
Computer Nerd Kev
2018-02-16 23:22:17 UTC
Post by k***@gmail.com
you mentioned on a blog, of your interest in a HP Vectra LS/12.
No blog here Mr, just a newsgroup that probably wants to forget
about this old thread.
Post by k***@gmail.com
While I?m fully aware you may have already got hold of the
product, I was just curious as to how much you paid or
intended to pay for the item?
I'm not the OP, but since this thread was started I actually
bought an LS/12 for the grand sum of $0.99 on Ebay. It wasn't
in working condition and the postage was expensive, but it
was near enough for me to pick up (which by the same token
meant it was too far away for most other people to pick up),
and it turned out the problem was just with the external
power supply and the computer itself works fine (though
I still haven't rigged up a suitable power supply to
dedicate to it).
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